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Current Projects

Here you will find information on current projects and applications for funding the city is currently working on.

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Reimaging Riley Avenue


Safe Streets and Roads 4 All Safety Action Plan Grant


The program supports the development of a comprehensive safety action plan (Action Plan) that identifies the most significant roadway safety concerns in a community and the implementation of projects and strategies to address roadway safety issues. Action Plans are the foundation of the SS4A grant program. SS4A requires an eligible Action Plan be in place before applying to implement projects and strategies. The SS4A program provides funding for two types of grants:

  • Planning and Demonstration Grants provide Federal funds to develop, complete, or supplement a comprehensive safety action plan. The goal of an Action Plan is to develop a holistic, well-defined strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries in a locality, Tribe, or region. Planning and Demonstration Grants also fund supplemental planning and/or demonstration activities that inform the development of a new or existing Action Plan. The Department encourages including demonstration activities in an application.

  • Implementation Grants provide Federal funds to implement projects and strategies identified in an Action Plan to address a roadway safety problem. Projects and strategies can be infrastructure, behavioral, and/or operational activities. Implementation Grants may also include demonstration activities, supplemental planning, and project-level planning, design, and development. Applicants must have an eligible Action Plan to apply for Implementation Grants. The Department encourages including demonstration activities in an application.

Will be announced in December



Reconnecting Communities Grant

The RCN grant is intended to provide funds for planning activities to support future construction projects and allow for innovative community planning to address localized transportation challenges. Projects may address:

  • Planning to restore community connectivity

  • Community/public engagement

  • Assessing environmental impacts from transportation in underserved communities (i.e., air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, extreme heat hotspots, gaps in tree canopy coverage, or flood-prone transportation infrastructure)

  • Developing local anti-displacement policies and community benefit agreements

  • Prioritizing disadvantaged communities; 

  • Aiming to improve access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, and recreation; 

  • Fostering equitable development and restoration; 

  • Reconnecting communities by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including mobility, access, or economic development.  


The city has applied for 1.99 million in planning funds for the Riley Avenue Corridor. Ogden was awarded $399,000 in matching funds from the Build Kansas Fund to use as matching funds if awarded the RCN grant.


Thriving Communities Program

For selected communities, the Thriving Communities Program will provide two years of deep-dive assistance to help them plan and develop a pipeline of comprehensive transportation, housing, and community revitalization activities as well as peer learning opportunities through assigned Communities of Practice. During the third year, communities will continue to receive peer learning support as Capacity Builders conduct evaluation, reporting, and transition activities. 

Ogden will submit a Letter of Interest for the Riley Avenue Corridor as well as be included as a partner on a regional trials Letter of Interest with FH MPO and FHRC and other municipalities.


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